Stress and Anxiety

Articles 13 to 24 of 31
Get Set for a Stress-Free Christmas

Get Set for a Stress-Free Christmas

Dr. Happy

For many people, the festive season is a wonderful and happy time. For others, however, this time of year can actually be very difficult. The festive season can be a period that reinforces the extent to which people feel alone, or serves as a reminder of loss. For some it’s a very busy work period and no time for celebrations or even any rest. Whomever you are and where ever you fit there are several strategies that can help. In his latest article for HIF, mental health expert, Dr. Happy from The Happiness Institute shares five things you can do to have a (relatively) merry festive season.

How to Stay Stress Free at Work

How to Stay Stress Free at Work

Dr. Happy
According to HIF Mental Health professional, Dr. Happy , "Stress should not be seen as an entirely negative thing. In fact, quite the opposite. Enjoy and welcome stress to a point; the point at which it helps and motivates you. At the same time, however, do all you can and use those around you to ensure that the level of stress in your working life does not exceed that tipping point where it has a deleterious effect on your performance, health or wellbeing." With this in Mind, Dr. Happy shares his top tips on “How can we effectively manage stress at work and use it to our advantage”.
The Impacts of Stress

The Impacts of Stress

Matt Fuller
Have you started the new year fresh and motivated or have you found it more of a difficult and stressful time? According to health and fitness expert, Matt Fuller, "Suffering from stress over this time of the year is not uncommon and there are many factors that can contribute to this feeling for example, financial stress – we may have overspent at Christmas or during the holiday break so finances are tighter than normal." With this in mind, we caught up with Matt to hear this thoughts on how we can best manage stress and why it is so important when it comes to our bodies. 
How To Deal With Social Anxiety

How To Deal With Social Anxiety

Dr. Happy

Do you fear that you will be judged by others in social situations? Do your fears cause you to avoid groups of people or group events because you think you might embarrass yourself? If you answered yes to these questions, then you're probably experiencing social anxiety. According to mental health expert and psychologist, Dr. Happy, "The most common example of social anxiety is a fear of public speaking; but it can also be experienced as extreme anxiety associated with eating or drinking in public, signing one’s name under scrutiny, and even using public toilet facilities. At the heart of social anxiety for everyone, however, is a fear of negative evaluation." The good news is that treatments for social anxiety are relatively effective for most people, most of the time, and relatively quickly. In this article, Dr. Happy discusses social phobia and provides his advice on how to manage these fears.  

Articles 13 to 24 of 31