Dr. Preya Alexander

A medical GP based in Melbourne, Dr.Preeya is wholly committed to the importance of “prevention” as a preference to cure, Dr.Preeya is passionate about sharing her tips/experiences and medically evidence based thoughts.

Dr.Preeya also spends her time as a medical educator at Eastern Victoria GP training and as a commentator across various lifestyle publications and broadcast media outlets (as well as being a Mum of 1) she has found a clear way to combine her passion for medicine and her role as educator.In her own words, she doesn’t have a 6-pack, she’s not a size zero and she loves wine.

Articles 1 to 12 of 17
New Year New You Goals

New Year New You Goals

Dr. Preya Alexander
As the new year is well underway, many of us are likely starting to wonder how we can be bigger and better in 2021 (whilst also crossing all fingers and toes that it’s a very different year to 2020). We write lists filled with all sorts of goals; the pantry will finally be rearranged in the new year with everything beautifully labelled, commitments are made to lose weight/exercise more/party less – often the lists are ignored (let’s be honest!) and by the 31st of January we realise that, yet again, we set the expectations too high and none of them were ever going to be met.
Articles 1 to 12 of 17